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About MIP Engenharia

MIP Engenharia was founded in 1961 and throughout its history, has already received more than 50 awards and participated and participates in the main industrial works of the country, contributing to the success of its Clients and to the development of Brazil. 

Our first contract in 1961 consisted in the execution of erections services for USIMINAS lamination plates in the city of Ipatinga, Minas Gerais. Over the course of the following 20 years, USIMINAS and VALE have chosen MIP to crry out their expansion projects throughout the country. Numerous other important clients, from several different sectors have now become part of the successful history and rich work portfolio which constitutes MIP Engenharia. 

In 1970, MIP acquired their first headquarters, located at Avenida Nossa Senhora do Carmo, in the Sion region, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.  In 1988, the company moved to their new facilities, where to this day, it carries out its operations with greater infra-structure and ease of access for clients, suppliers, partners and employees.  Located at the Anel Rodoviário highway, km 3.8, in the Palmeiras region, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, in a total area of 39,000m², with offices, cafeteria, warehouse, maintenance facilities, training rooms, recreation area and plenty of green, this change took place due to the increase in the demand of services and for the need of alignment inn the search for greater productive capacity. 

As always, MIP makes it its business to transform ideas and engineering into projects sustainable business. This business definition allows us to offer complete solutions for our clients,  such as EPC projects – Engineering, Procurement, Construction (a means of procurement where the company is responsible for drawing up executive projects, for the purchase of necessary equipment and material as well as the construction itself) and Turn Key (a type of operation dealing in bidding processes where the company must duly deliver the projects in fully working conditions). 

In addition, ethics has always been a very strong value in MIP Engenharia and has been the basis of our actions over these more than 63 years of existence. At MIP, our business is conducted according to the highest ethical standards, and our employees are always committed to developing and enhancing organizational culture based on ethics and integrity. Senior management of MIP believes that there can be no ethical shortcuts in the path of the company and therefore daily reinforce the commitment to make business decisions based on ethical and legal principles. 



MIP´s Senior Management plays the role of leading by example and promoting compliance actions. 

MIP´s Senior Management members periodically follow the compliance actions developed in the company and the planning of future actions. 

In addition, they publicly and ostensibly declare the importance of the company’s values and the policies that make up the System, either through explicit manifestations, internal or public, or in oral or written form. 

The commitment of the Senior Management to the MIP Compliance System is also clear for third parties, clients and society in general. 

In case of indications of ineffectiveness of compliance measures or irregularities occurrence, the High Management guarantees means to make the necessary improvements in the Compliance System and adopted the corrective measures. 

Senior Management ensures that MIP´s managers are emphatic about not tolerating the commission of harmful acts against the company and its stakeholders, even if that means, ultimately, to stop doing business. 



MIP is controlled by the MIP Holding S.A which is its main shareholder with 90,86% of the shares of the company. 


Our Ideology


To be a market reference for efficiency in the implementation of investment projects ensuring the sustainable growth and perpetuity of the company. 



Transform ideas and engineering into projects sustainable business. 


Enable and execute engineering projects in close colaboration with customers, generating value for all parties involved. 



  • Seriousness; 
  • Integrity; 
  • Search for innovation;
  • Safety of people; 
  • Commitment to results; 
  • Social and environmental responsibility

In relation to the MIP VALUES, below is a concept of what each of them means for our company: